Thursday, September 11, 2014

Technology is dead...

Technology is dead without hands to use it. It is a tool. Innately it possesses neither good nor evil abilities. However because of what it enables users to do, it could be lumped together with guns and abortion in today's society as extremely controversial. Issues such as pornography, identity theft, and the Patriot Act are examples of the troubles technology presents. And social networking, education reform, and family history are examples of its potential for good. The optimist that I am, I cling to possibility and potential. Like the prophetic counsel of Brigham Young, I too believe we "should take advantage of all these great discoveries" in pursuing the progress and wellness of humanity (Deseret News, 22 Oct. 1862, 129). However it will not be without great effort. As entropy is seen in nature to slowly bring decay and disorder, so will technologies bring negative consequences left to its own. Therefore we should actively engage in constructive and creative ventures to fulfill its potential.

1 comment:

  1. Alex, I totally agree. Everytime I go to the movies and hear that "turn your cellphone off" commercial that starts by saying: "This world is overrun by technology..." I think, no it is not. Technology's advances make so much good possible.
