Monday, September 8, 2014

It's a nice morning. The ground still wet from last nights rain.

Classes have started and school is back in full swing. The semester ahead will be a challenge. I have 3 CS classes which just may be the death of me, but I suppose we'll see how it goes. On top of the load, I have been taken up in serious contemplation as to why I am even in CS. I know it is a field that has lots of high paying jobs, a logical draw, but honestly I don't give a lickity-split about that.

Honestly I wouldn't be sad to never write another line of code in my life. I said it. It has literally been the most draining thing of my life, and the reward for which is what? That I get to sit in an office and make some kids video game? Or help manage a library's book database? Or make sure someone who logs into his banks website doesn't get his information stolen? And the world will spin. People will be people. And then they will pass. I would like to exist more in the universe, in humanity. I am drawn to the outdoors, people, and activities of happiness. I appreciate human creation and achievement. Where is technology's role? That is what I am searching for.

1 comment:

  1. As you said in your next blog, we must "actively engage in constructive and creative ventures to fulfill [technology's] potential." Since you are in CS, you can make the world of technology brighter and more humane and you should. Not everyone, who does programing, is as optimistic and good-hearted as you are. The world needs more people like you. So does the world of technology.
