Thursday, September 4, 2014

Education, Creativity, and that funny British guy

Today we watched this TED talk in class:
Mr. Robinson raised a variety of points dealing with the problems with the education system. He seemed to try and elicit a response from his audience by focusing on children and the way school smashes the creativity out of them. Valid. One of the main problems that Mr. Robinson connected to this is that degrees DON'T get jobs anymore. Also valid. Children are trained and almost forbidden to do what they "want" or "love" because often there is no market for it. This does seem true as well. Our world seems to be progressing in such a way that professions that will enable a man or woman to be able to provide for a family are in just a handful of fields. Mathematics, computer science, business. Anything else is not worth pursuing. Imagine though if we did live in communities or societies where as much value was placed on skills particular to dance and theater as it is on accounting. Imagine authors receiving the pay or high class ranking of CEO's. If that was the case, I believe our world would look, feel, and sound much different. Much in the way we are in a turbulent technology boom, we could see similar growth and development in the arts, in theater, dance and sports. It would bring whole new dynamics into society, and in my mind, create diversity, liveliness, and happiness.

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