Monday, December 8, 2014


Pornography is an extremely interesting topic. From my perspective, it is creating a moral chasm in America. There is a growing population of those who view and therefore support it, and a growing movement of those who object it. It is impossible to have one foot on each side, and will likely soon be impossible to stand in the middle. Many object to pornography in their own homes, but do little to slow its spreading elsewhere. I believe this passive objection to pornography will not stand against the terrible epidemic. Phones in our pockets, computers in our backpacks, and tv's in our rooms make it more accessible than any drug ever. It is a pending disaster. If there is any serious intention of minimizing pornography's tragic influence, we must actively pursue a different course in society. The website has a mission to, "drop knowledge on the harmful effects of porn." It is a prime example of what I believe America desperately needs. A proactive effort to promote love, humanity, and community is perhaps our only shot against pornography.

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